BC FNAR Celebrates 50 Years with New Board, Mission, Website, and Logo

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BC FNAR Celebrates 50 Years with New Board, Mission, Website, and Logo.

The BC Foundation for Non-Animal Research is fifty years old this year and we have been revitalizing our organization with a new nine-member board of trustees including a new president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary. As a part of the new structure, we have also updated our mission statement, website, and logo to modernize our identity.

For the past 50 years the BC FNAR charity has provided funding and grants to further researchers and education in the field of non-animal research. Despite recent changes to our organization, our goals remain the same: to ensure that those doing work to create alternatives that will save millions of animal and human lives without the use animal test subjects receive the support and funding they need.

What has changed is that we are broadening our approach to fund more researchers, educators, organizations, and creative people to change the way people think about animal testing.  Our grants will now be open to applicants across Canada, instead of just B.C. We are also keen to support those who may be working towards ending animal experimentation from non-traditional perspectives, such as through creative media projects like documentaries.

To realize our funding goals, we have now established an application form on our new website for those interested in applying for funding. We will be accepting applications between Jan 1st and March 1st each year.  A decision on successful applicants will be made by the board and announced publicly in April.

We are incredibly excited to be expanding opportunities for grant funding across Canada to ensure the funds vital to ending animal research go into the right hands. Leading scientists support a need to transition away from animal models and that there are passionate individuals diligently working to realize this goal.

Thank you for joining us on the next chapter of our journey. Our first fifty years have taught us so much and we look forward to realizing the end of animal testing within the next fifty.

Jordan Reichert

President, BCFNAR